Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Dmitry Konstantinov

Is not an employee of the Institute
Department: Laboratory of Plant Growth Biomechanics
Email: konstantinov@bionet.nsc.ru


2022 Isolation and transcriptome analysis of a biotechnologically promising Black Sea protist, Thraustochytrium aureum ssp. strugatskii
Dmitrii K. Konstantinov, Aleksei Menzorov, Olga Krivenko, Alexey V. Doroshkov
2021 Comparative transcriptome profiling of a resistant vs susceptible bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar in response to water deficit and cold stress
Dmitrii K. Konstantinov​, Ulyana S. Zubairova, Anton A. Ermakov, Alexey V. Doroshkov
Regions of chromosome 2A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) associated with variation in physiological and agronomical traits under contrasting water regimes
Pshenichnikova T.A., Osipova S.V., Smirnova O.G., Leonova I.N., Permyakova M.D., Permyakov A.V., Rudikovskaya E.G., Konstantinov D.K., Verkhoturov, V.V., Lohwasser, U., Börner A.
2019 Phylostratigraphic Analysis Shows the Earliest Origination of the Abiotic Stress Associated Genes in A. thaliana
Zakhar S. Mustafin, Vladimir I. Zamyatin, Dmitrii K. Konstantinov, Aleksej V. Doroshkov, Sergey A. Lashin, Dmitry A. Afonnikov
Stress-induced changes in the expression of antioxidant system genes for rice (Oryza sativa L.) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Anton Ermakov, Aleksandr Bobrovskikh, Ulyana Zubairova, Dmitrii Konstantinov, Alexey Doroshkov
The evolution of gene regulatory networks controlling Arabidopsis thaliana L. trichome development.
Doroshkov AV, Konstantinov DK, Afonnikov DA, Gunbin KV.
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