Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Antonina Kiseleva

Department: Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics
Pluralist: Kurchatov Genomic Center of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Laboratory of wheat biofortification
Laboratory of the Genomic Selection of Plants
Room: 3212
Email: antkiseleva@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*3212


2023 Identification of genetic loci for early maturity in spring bread wheat using the association analysis and gene dissection
Antonina A. Kiseleva, Irina N. Leonova, Elena V. Ageeva, Ivan E. Likhenko, Elena A. Salina
Novel Genetic Loci from Triticum timopheevii Associated with Gluten Content Revealed by GWAS in Wheat Breeding Lines
Irina N. Leonova, Antonina A. Kiseleva, Alina A. Berezhnaya, Olga A. Orlovskaya, Elena A. Salina
2022 Dissection of Structural Reorganization of Wheat 5B Сhromosome Associated With Interspecies Кecombination Suppression
Elena Salina, Alexander Muterko, Antonina Kiseleva, Zhiyong Liu, Abraham Korol
[Frontiers in Plant Science]
Functional characterization of genes with daily expression patterns in common wheat
Antonina A. Kiseleva, Mariya K. Bragina, Aleksandr F. Muterko, Elena A. Salina
Identification of QTLs for Grain Protein Content in Russian Spring Wheat Varieties
Leonova I.N., Kiseleva A.A., Berezhnaya A.A., Stasyuk A.I., Likhenko I.E., Salina, E.A.
2021 Allelic Variation Analysis at the Vernalization Response and Photoperiod Genes in Russian Wheat Varieties Identified Two Novel Alleles of Vrn-B3
Berezhnaya A., Kiseleva A., Leonova I., Salina E.
2020 Dissection of novel candidate genes for grain texture in Russian wheat varieties
Kiseleva A.A., Leonova I.N., Pshenichnikova T.A., Salina E.A.
2018 Features of the organization of bread wheat chromosome 5BS based on physical mapping
Elena A. Salina, Mikhail A. Nesterov, Zeev Frenkel, Antonina A. Kiseleva, Ekaterina M. Timonova, Federica Magni, Jan Vrana, Jan Safar, Hana Simkova, Jaroslav Dolezel, Abraham Korol, Ekaterina M. Sergeeva
Genetic Regulation of Common Wheat Heading Time
A.A. Kiseleva, E.A. Salina
Генетические механизмы формирования времени колошения мягкой пшеницы
А. А. Киселёва, Е. А. Салина
2017 Features of Ppd-B1 expression regulation and their impact on the flowering time of wheat near-isogenic lines
Kiseleva A.A., Potokina E.K., Salina E.A.
2016 Identification of new heading date determinants in wheat 5B chromosome
Kiseleva A. A., Shcherban A.B., Leonova I.N., Frenkel Z., Salina E.A.
2014 Выявление генетических детерминант, определяющих различие почти изогенных линий Triticum aestivum L. по фотопериодической чувствительности.
Киселева А.А., Егги Э.Э., Кошкин В. А., Ситников М. Н., Родер М., Салина Е. А., Потокина Е. К.
Использование маркеров органельной ДНК для анализа филогеографии восточноевропейской популяции Ели европейской Picea abies (L.) H. Karst
Е.К. Потокина, А.А. Киселева, М.А. Николаева, С.А. Иванов, П.С. Ульянич, А.Ф. Потокин
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2012 Биосинтез фитогормонов у водорослей
Киселева А.А., Тараховская Е.Р., Шишова М.Ф.
[Физиология растений]
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