Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Nikolay Shmakov

Department: Youth Sector of Bioinformatics and Information Technologies in Genetics
Pluralist: Kurchatov Genomic Center of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Laboratory of the genetics of intervertebral disk degeneration
Room: 1301
Email: shmakov@bionet.nsc.ru
Work phone: +7 (383) 363-49-63*1301


2023 Analysis of Genome Structure and Its Variations in Potato Cultivars Grown in Russia
Dmitry I. Karetnikov, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Stepan V. Toshchakov, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Mikhail A. Genaev, Mikhail A. Nesterov, Salmaz M. Ibragimova, Daniil A. Rybakov, Tatjana A. Gavrilenko, Elena A. Salina, Maxim V. Patrushev, Alex V. Kochetov and Dmitry A. Afonnikov
Three Cycles of Continuous Propagation of a Severe PSTVd Strain NicTr-3 in Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rutgers Resulted in Its Attenuation and Very Mild Disease Symptoms in Potato
Alex V. Kochetov, Nikolay Shmakov, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Natalja V. Shatskaya, Anastasiya A. Egorova, Nina V. Mironenko, Nina M. Lashina, Alexander V. Khiutti and Olga S. Afanasenko
WAX INDUCER 1 Regulates β-Diketone Biosynthesis by Mediating Expression of the Cer-cqu Gene Cluster in Barley
Gerasimova, S.V.; Kolosovskaya, E.V.; Vikhorev, A.V.; Korotkova, A.M.; Hertig, C.W.; Genaev, M.A.; Domrachev, D.V.; Morozov, S.V.; Chernyak, E.I.; Shmakov, N.A.; Vasiliev, G.V.; Kochetov, A.V.; Kumlehn, J.; Khlestkina, E.K.
2022 Features of activity of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway in melanin-accumulating barley grains
Anastasiia Y. Glagoleva, Alexander V. Vikhorev, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Sergey V. Morozov, Elena I. Chernyak, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Natalia V. Shatskaya, Elena K. Khlestkina, Olesya Y. Shoeva
[Frontiers in Plant Science]
QTL Analysis for Bread Wheat Seed Size, Shape and Color Characteristics Estimated by Digital Image Processing
Mian Abdur Rehman Arif, Evgenii G. Komyshev, Mikhail A. Genaev, Vasily S. Koval, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Andreas Börner and Dmitry A. Afonnikov
2021 NLR Genes Related Transcript Sets in Potato Cultivars Bearing Genetic Material of Wild Mexican Solanum Species
Kochetov A.V., Afonnikov D.A., Shmakov N.A., Vasiliev G.V., Antonova O.Y., Shatskaya N.V., Glagoleva A.Y., Ibragimova S.M., Khiutti A., Afanasenko O.S., Gavrilenko T.A.
Рибосомное профилирование как инструмент исследования трансляции у растений: основные итоги, проблемы и перспективы
Афонников, Д. А., Синицына, О. И., Голубева, Т. С., Шмаков, Н. А., Кочетов, А. В.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
Улучшение качества сборки de novo транскриптомов ячменя на основе гибридного подхода для линий с изменениями окраски колоса и стебля
Шмаков Николай Александрович
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2020 The mechanism of potato resistance to Globodera rostochiensis: comparison of root transcriptomes of resistant and susceptible Solanum phureja genotypes
Alex V. Kochetov, Anastasiya A. Egorova, Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Kseniya V. Strygina, Elena K. Khlestkina, Sophia V. Gerasimova, Natalja V. Shatskaya, Gennady V. Vasilyev, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olga Y. Antonova, Natalia V. Alpatyeva, Alexander Khiutti, Olga S. Afanasenko and Tatjana A. Gavrilenko
2017 Achievements and Prospects of Applying High-Throughput Sequencing Techniques to Potato Genetics and Breeding
Bykova I.V., Shmakov N.A., Afonnikov D.A., Kochetov A.V., Khlestkina E.K.
[Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research]
Differential expression of NBS-LRR-encoding genes in the root transcriptomes of two Solanum phureja genotypes with contrasting resistance to Globodera rostochiensis
Alex V. Kochetov, Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Kseniya V. Strygina, Elena K. Khlestkina, Sophia V. Gerasimova, Salmaz M. Ibragimova, Natalja V. Shatskaya, Gennady V. Vasilyev, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olga Y. Antonova, Tatyana A. Gavrilenko, Natalia V. Alpatyeva, Alexander Khiutti, Olga S. Afanasenko
Metabolic pathways and genes identified by RNA-seq analysis of barley near-isogenic lines differing by allelic state of the Black lemma and pericarp (Blp) gene
Anastasiya Y. Glagoleva, Nikolay A. Shmakov, Olesya Y. Shoeva, Gennady V. Vasiliev, Natalia V. Shatskaya, Andreas Börner, Dmitry A. Afonnikov, Elena K. Khlestkina
Glagoleva A.Y., Shmakov N.A., Shoeva O. Y., Vasiliev G.V., Shatskaya N.V., Börner A., Afonnikov D.A., Khlestkina E.K.
[Acta Naturae]
Достижения и перспективы использования методов высокопроизводительного секвенирования в генетике и селекции картофеля
Быкова И.В., Шмаков Н.А., Афонников Д.А., Кочетов А.В., Хлесткина Е.К.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
2016 Identification of nuclear genes controlling chlorophyll synthesis in barley by RNA-seq
Shmakov N.A., Vasiliev G.V., Shatskaya N.V., Doroshkov A.V., Gordeeva E.I., Afonnikov D.A., Khlestkina E.K.
2014 Эффективность использования генов bmy2, waxy и внутренних транскрибируемых спейсеров генов рибосомных рнк в качестве маркеров для изучения генетического разнообразия видов рода Elymus.
Шмаков Н.А., Афонников Д.А., Белавин П.А., Агафонов А.В.
[Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding]
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