Accounting System of Scientific Activity (ASSA)


Laboratories Russian Science Foundation

Extrabudgetary units


Laboratory for the development of statistical methods in heritability evaluation (t. 212)
Laboratory of opisthorchiasis pathomechanism
Laboratory of wound healing mechanisms
Laboratory of 3D Genomics
Laboratory of Amphibian Physiology
Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology
Laboratory of Genome Stability
Laboratory of Nucleic Acid Chemistry
Laboratory of Stress Response Genetics in Arterial Hypertension
Laboratory of aggression neuroimmunology
Laboratory of artificial intelligence and big genomic data (t. 213)
Laboratory of behavioral neurobiology
Laboratory of bird cytogenetics (t. 211)
Laboratory of bird genomics
Laboratory of computer-assisted cereal phenotyping
Laboratory of diabetes pharmacogenomics
Laboratory of diapause and mammalian embryo cryopreservation (t. 210)
Laboratory of early ripening genetics
Laboratory of fast-evolving regions of the human genome
Laboratory of genome evolution in Macrostomidae
Laboratory of larval stress
Laboratory of mammalian evolutionary 3D genomics
Laboratory of metabolic stress
Laboratory of modification of plastid genomes in higher plants
Laboratory of molecular mechanisms of hormonal regulation in plants
Laboratory of neurodegenerative disease genetics
Laboratory of neurogenomic study of immune disorders
Laboratory of novel plant protection agents
Laboratory of nucleic acid immunology
Laboratory of plant phenomics
Laboratory of plant protection by RNA interference
Laboratory of proteopathy
Laboratory of protist systems biology
Laboratory of reproductive technologies and brain studies (t. 208)
Laboratory of retinopathy molecular genetics
Laboratory of symbiogenetics
Laboratory of the 3D genetics of breaks
Laboratory of the Genetic Control of Protein Content in Wheat Grain
Laboratory of the Genetic Control of Wheat Drought Resistance
Laboratory of the Genomic Selection of Plants
Laboratory of the Molecular Pathogenesis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Laboratory of the Neurogenomics of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Laboratory of the Neurotransmitter Regulation of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Laboratory of the genetics of intervertebral disk degeneration
Laboratory of the paleogenetics of Medieval Siberian peoples
Laboratory of the prenatal control of development
Laboratory of trematode functional genomics
Laboratory of wheat biofortification
Psychosocial stress and reproduction laboratory (t. 209)

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